Common sense. I'd like to think everyone has it and we are...writing a blog about how you shouldn't store your bullets in an oven. Yes, that's exactly what a man in Florida did, with some not-so-surprising results.

JJ Sandy made the incredibly intelligent (Note: sarcasm) decision to store the magazine of his Glock in the oven. Why? Who knows. But when his friend decided to utilize the oven to cook some frozen waffles, JJ was reminded why he probably should've stored his bullets in a safer place. His friend, Aalaya Walker, was injured by flying bullet fragments and JJ will now live in infamy as the jackass that stored his bullets in the oven.

Luckily for JJ, you can't be arrested for being a complete idiot. However, you can be blasted all over the internet. Who's to say which is truly worse?

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