People say that there are certain events in your life in which you will remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when they happened. For anyone who lived through it, September 11th, 2001 is one of those events.

My college career had begun just a few weeks prior to September 11th. I was starting my journey towards my broadcasting degree at Delta College in Saginaw, Michigan. The first class of the day was Production 1 and we were set to tour the college's TV studios.

While we were in the studio, learning the intricacies of the equipment, the planes hit the Twin Towers. There wasn't a single person in that studio that knew what was going on until we walked past a TV set on our way back to the classroom. It was at this point that I had glanced over and saw that something was happening, though I couldn't be sure what.

What I could see was two massive buildings burning and, without knowing more than that, I thought it might be something important. I mentioned to the professor that maybe this was something we needed to stop and watch but he just led us back to the classroom. It wasn't until after class was over and we were all able to get to the TV that we had learned what had happened and that two more planes had crashed.

Later that day, local TV stations flooded the college to get students reactions. Watching everything unfold was absolutely surreal. I spent the next days and weeks watching any coverage I could about the attacks.

Still today, I woke up and caught a bit of MSNBC replaying of 'The Today Show' from September 11th and felt the emotions all over again. I will carry the memories of the attacks on September 11th with me through the rest of my years.

Never forget.

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