Lake Sakakawea

5 Boats Sink During Trump's Boat Parade in Texas.
5 Boats Sink During Trump's Boat Parade in Texas.
5 Boats Sink During Trump's Boat Parade in Texas.
The Trump boat parade continued recently, we had the first one back on August 22nd - right out on our Missouri river as hundred joined in while just as many people lined the shoreline. There were very few details about the inaugural one except the date, the time of the event, and what the parade was for...
New Yorkers Say ND Places
New Yorkers Say ND Places
New Yorkers Say ND Places
Every state has a handful of cities that are practically unpronounceable, unless you're from that area. With that in mind, we decided to test our friends in Utica, NY and see how well they could pronounce North Dakota places. The results are, well, interesting.