Dumb criminals

Today’s Life Lesson: Never Give A Judge the Finger [VIDEO]
Today’s Life Lesson: Never Give A Judge the Finger [VIDEO]
Today’s Life Lesson: Never Give A Judge the Finger [VIDEO]
If you're standing in front of a judge in an orange jumpsuit...It's pretty obvious that things in your life aren't going so well. Your best bet is to just stand there and speak when spoken to. If you'd rather your life continue down the destructive path, you can do what this girl did.
2012's Dumbest Criminals
2012's Dumbest Criminals
2012's Dumbest Criminals
It turns out to make it onto a list of the dumbest criminals, you have to actually be pretty dumb. Granted, we can't all be masterminds, but it probably doesn't take much to know you shouldn't make a YouTube video boasting about the bank you just robbed. Or tweet about punching a guy in the face. Nor should you get into a fist fight over a piece of birthday cake.